Civic Association Newsletter

September/October 1996 - Volume 20, No. 1


On August 3, 1996, the Arlington County Board voted 4-0, with one abstention, to approve the final draft of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Arlington County Government, Arlington Public Schools, and Marymount University for improvement and use of the Quincy #1 soccer field.

Board member Paul Ferguson abstained from participating, stating that "although my first duty is to Arlington County, unfortunately, I have another job that there's a conflict here, my law firm Haley Bader & Potts has represented Marymount University not very much but in one legal matter and may in the future a legal matter. That's Haley Bader & Potts that represented them not myself, but still according to law Code Sections 2.1-639.2 and 2.1-639.11.a1 it does not allow me to take part in this debate and, therefore, I must leave according to law."

BVSCA NCAC Representative Nancy Iacomini testified and provided a letter to the County Board expressing concerns about the proposed Quincy soccer field upgrade and the Memorandum of Understanding. Ms. Iacomini's comments follow. "Good evening. My name is Nancy Iacomini and I'm probably one of the nearest neighbors to the Quincy field that you're going to find. Actually our house is on the map, it's on the overhead picture. I live at 1116 North Quincy which is directly across from the first baseline of the W-L ballfield. And I've lived across from Quincy Park for 15 1/2 of the 16 years that I've been in Arlington when I lived at 1020. Now I live in a single family house.

I learned of this proposal in February and I have attended and spoken about the proposal and about the community's feelings. Two Park and Recreation Commission meetings and the Sports Commission meeting and I've also attended our own civic association meetings on this subject. And while staff is correct that they did share essences of this proposal with various groups. We've never seen anything in writing and we've never had anything truly to react to until Monday when the first staff report came out and the first MOU came out. And indeed, as Mr. Ragland pointed out about 10:30 a.m. this morning, we saw the final draft MOU. And throughout the course of those meetings, I think what we were looking for, as I voiced my concerns about our continued commitment to community use and the continued commitment to current permit holders, was some kind of policy statement. And kudos to Mrs. Bozman, what she has said really is an embodiment of that. A policy statement from the County that says we're committed to our permit holders, who have traditionally used this field and we're committed to our community. And sadly in the months leading up to this, we have not heard that or perhaps, our anxiety level would not have been so high.

I'm also glad that when staff began they noted that the drawing was attached to today's MOU is different from that than you found attached to your July 26 handout. There's some discrepancies in where the soccer field will actually lie. We have been assured that the dirt area of the infield of Quincy #1 will not be touched, and I assume that to be correct, although the drawing does not indicate that.

Because one thing we really have to keep in mind about this field is that it is one big playfield. It is not a soccer field individually, it's not a baseball field, it's not a softball field.

Everything is contiguous. And what we do is through the seasons, sort of use one area a little more than another and shift everything around. And that also brings to mind the idea I'd just like to clarify the difference between practice on Quincy and games as far as soccer goes. In practices from my observation from my front porch, the entire area is used. From the edge of the parking lot, at the library, all the way over to the end field.

There's usually smaller kids soccer, so you have little groups all over. So don't try to imagine a hundred people trying to practice on what is a game area. It's pretty much spread out over the field and in fact I would almost bet that one could have a game, a big kid's game going on in the designated area and maybe even still have some smaller practices going on. That would be the far right area of the ball diamond. So you get a flavor of what this multi-use facility is really like.

I know that my husband is here and he'll talk about what has been baseball's concerns and I don't need to go into that. But what I do want to hit again is the community use aspect. It's been said Quincy Park is like the Central Park of Arlington. It's the biggest contiguous green open recreational space. It started to be collected together as such in the early '50s. I've gone through the annual reports of the County. I've related that to you in a letter and it was done for recreational purposes for the area. And I think that the question that Mr. Zimmerman has raised about the creation of an A or B field does raise that point. A and B fields get to be kept at that level of use for that level of perfection by limiting use on them, and I think that the soccer folks can certainly go ahead and schedule and do things among themselves.

But what does keeping that field at a Grade A or B mean when a group of 12 young men or young men and women from Buckingham, or Pollard Gardens comes over and wants to play? In the spring perhaps when the fence hasn't gone up for baseball, in February, or in March, or whatever other time, they're community. This is the biggest field they have to play on. Maybe they look like a team, mostly they're not. Their goals are sweatshirts laid in the end zone. Because there's no permanent goals or fences on this area and that's what we're still concerned about. The casual dog walker on the leash, with the plastic bag is one thing, but these other games are another.

Lastly, and I know that my time has run out. I'd like to raise the question about how the entire field will be treated and how much it's going to cost, because if the area, that sort of the left field of the ball diamond is graded and made for soccer, what's going to happen to the right field area? The only money that I find in the CIP for Quincy Park is $30,000 of bond money for Fiscal 97. If this area is going to be graded and drained, the whole thing has to be done because once if you do part of it and you try to do to the other part later, you're going to interfere with the part that you did, and why should we dig up what we fixed in the first place. Thank you."

BVSCA President Ernie Ragland testified and provided a letter to Board Chairman Hunter, based on the special Executive Committee meeting held on July 31, 1996. This meeting was in response to the letter received on July 29, 1996, from Janis B. Wood, Chief, Sports Division and the County Manager Anton S. Gardner's Interdepartmental Memorandum dated July 26, 1996, to the County Board of Arlington, Virginia, recommending the authorization of the County Manager to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Arlington County Board.

"Good afternoon Chairman Hunter and members of the Board. I turned in a letter this morning to the Board Members dated August 3rd. I'm not going to go through that entire letter. I would like to respond to some of the comments I have heard here; particularly, Janis Woods comments earlier about the casual use. I would like to note that in having reviewed the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), casual use is not defined within that document or in the background. Our executive committee members met Wednesday night [July 31st], and we reviewed the background statement to the Memorandum of Understanding and in the background section on page 2, in the last paragraph, the narrative states this upgrade of the Quincy #1 soccer field will move it from a C to D level field to an A or B level field based on the "athletic field standards." Although not stated in the draft MOU, we believe that this change in field level status will reduce the number of hours for public access to the field.

Further, we suggest that the Board defer from voting on this item today, until the level of field status is clearly defined for the Quincy #1 soccer field, and Arlington citizens have had a chance to fully consider the potential effects of any proposed changes in field level status. Also, I turn your attention to the draft MOU, page 3, last paragraph, which states the Parks and Recreation Commission staff is currently involved in a field use study [that identifies the number of hours of games and practices that are scheduled on each athletic field annually by all organized sports users, including interscholastic high school team practices]. The results of this study are needed to develop recommendations for field use in order to maintain A or B field level status. We believe that the Board should again defer voting on this until that is completed, and we have complete information for your decision-making here.

And another comment. Bob Atkins [President, Stonewall Jackson Civic Association] asked about the period for review. This is a five year agreement, but on page 4 in the draft MOU it said its a five year period of time--but its unclear in terms of whether or not we have an annual public review involving the County Schools, County Government, and Marymount University. I think we have to be explicitly clear on that review process to allow the public to participate.

Now I would like to state another point. We have had a number of meetings on this: our Membership met on Feb. 27, Mar. 28, and April 24. We have had a number of letters and correspondence on this. We have asked for the letter of intent, the draft MOU, and today at about 10:30 a.m. [at the Board Meeting of Aug. 3], we get another MOU. Our Executive Committee has not had any opportunity to review this revised MOU. Therefore, we ask that you again defer this.

I would like to bring up one point. We are very concerned about casual use being clearly defined. Our Secretary David Ryan will follow later, and I think he will add some perspective as to what we mean by casual use and permitted use. And I want to make this clear, we think this proposal to upgrade the field is a good proposal. It will help the neighborhood, it will also help Marymount, and it will help Arlington for the public good. But what we want to make certain is that it is explicitly clear in what we are agreeing to, because we don't think we have been fairly represented on the community side with respect to this MOU. And Ms. Bozman, I appreciate your statement [or resolution that guarantees other uses of the field to continue to be allowed after the upgrade]...We need this safeguard to protect staff's interests, Marymount interests, and the integrity of the process.

Last point, I ask that a representative slot be made available to our Civic Association to participate in the review process so that we can give fair input from the community's point of view. And I thank you."

For our members who didn't have a prior opportunity to read the Arlington Courier's Editorial on the Board's actions with respect to the Quincy Park proposed joint venture with Marymount University, the following is provided for your information. This editorial is the property of the Arlington Courier and may not be used without their permission. Our Association thanks the Arlington Courier for granting us permission to reprint the editorial in our Newsletter.

Arlington Courier's Editorial Joe Farruggia Source: Arlington Courier Week of August 22-28, 1996

First things first?

In deciding to give Marymount University priority use of the soccer field at Quincy Park at its Aug. 13 meeting -- in exchange for $58,000 in improvements and general maintenance from Marymount -- the Arlington County Board has invented a new game.

We suggest the title, "Buy High, Sell Low" an apt name, for in this case the mere pittance of $58,000 gives a private organization first right to the use of a prime piece of public property bought and maintained with millions of dollars of public bond money.

First, we're asked to go ahead and give the School Board nearly $9 million more than the County Board - imposed ceiling for this' year's bond referendum -- this after this amazing group of people managed to allow the squandering of millions in capital improvement funds previously raised the same way -- and now we're asked to approved more Parks and Recreation money while the County collects additional revenue from a high bidder eager to have control of the park for its own use.

Does anyone in the County Government see anything wrong with this picture? If not, let's refresh your memory about a previous Marymount "land deal," in which the County gave away a prime piece of public-right-of-way at Yorktown Boulevard in exchange for a small parcel of land of far less assessment value so that Marymount could build a parking garage.

Resolutions "preserving" the integrity of Quincy Park notwithstanding, we view this as a dangerous precedent -- and one that can all-too-easily get out of hand when used by elected officials who have grown so used to using other people's money (the taxpayers') to pay for their own pet projects or make "sweet" deals with their friends.

If no one at the County Board is listening, maybe the voters need to speak more loudly -- at the ballot box!



July 25, 1996

Mr. Ernest Ragland President, Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association

Dear Mr. Ragland:

I wanted to take this opportunity to inform you that the Arlington County Board has placed on their Saturday, August 3 agenda (item #8), the subject of the Memorandum of Understanding among Arlington County Government, Arlington Public Schools and Marymount University for the improvement and use of the Quincy #1 soccer field from August 15 and November 15, the fall sports season.

Representatives from Arlington County, Arlington Public Schools and Marymount University have met and reached an agreement in concept for improving and using the Quincy #1 soccer field during the fall sports season, August 15 to November 15. Marymount University is proposing a one-time contribution of $58,000, plus $5,500 annually, to upgrade and maintain the soccer field in exchange for use of the field for the intercollegiate soccer games. The proposed agreement balances Arlington Public Schools field hockey use, the University's soccer schedule, and the broader community use during the fall soccer season (August 15 to November 15). The Quincy Playfield would continue to be used for baseball and softball games and practices during the remainder of the year.

Copies of the August 3 meeting agenda as well as the Board Report with attachments submitted by County staff is available outside of Room 311 (near of the County Board Meeting Room) located on the third floor at #1 Courthouse Plaza, 2100 Clarendon Boulevard in Arlington. If you have any questions, please contact me at (703) 358-3316.


Janis B. Wood Chief, Sports Division


TO: The County Board of Arlington, Virginia

FROM: Anton S. Gardner, County Manager

SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Among Arlington County Government, Arlington Public Schools and Marymount University for Improvement and Use of the Quincy #1 Soccer Field

RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the County Manager to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Arlington County Board.

ISSUE: Use by Marymount University intercollegiate soccer teams of the Quincy Soccer Field #1.

SUMMARY: Staff has reached agreement with representatives from the Arlington County Schools and Marymount University for the concept of field improvement and joint use of the Quincy Playfield. Half of the subject property is owned by the Arlington Public Schools and half is owned by the County Board. The Schools are interested in maintaining their current use of the Quincy #1 baseball field and the Quincy #2 softball field and using the renovated soccer field for the Washington- Lee High School field hockey teams. Marymount University is proposing a one-time contribution of $58,000, plus $5,500 annually, to upgrade and maintain the soccer field in exchange for use of the field for their intercollegiate soccer games. The proposed agreement balances the Schools' field hockey use, the University's soccer schedule, and the broader community use during the fall soccer season (August 15 through November 15). The Quincy Playfield would continue to be used for baseball and softball games and practices during the remainder of the year.

STAFF: Janis B. Wood, Sports Division, Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Resources

BACKGROUND: Marymount University has submitted a proposal to Arlington County for use of the Quincy #1 soccer field for the University's intercollegiate men's and women's intercollegiate soccer teams in return for the use of the field for up to twenty games and minimal practice time at field or other field locations from August 15 to November 15. The University has agreed to provide a one-time contribution of $58,000 to offset a major portion of the costs for the following improvements at the Quincy #1 soccer fields:

In addition, the University has agreed to provide funding of $5,500 annually for renovation and maintenance costs at the Quincy #1 soccer field. This work would include but not be limited to the following:

Marymount University has used soccer fields at different locations, including Quincy Park, from the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Resources (PRCR) for many years in accordance with the athletic field use policy approved by the County Board. In the fall of 1995, the University rented Arlington play fields for approximately 40 hours for soccer games and 30 hours for soccer practices.

Washington-Lee High School (W-L) was informed of the opportunity for possible field improvements on January 30, 1996. W-L is interested in using the renovated field for the varsity and junior varsity field hockey games from August 15 to November 15, as well as maintaining the current uses of varsity and junior varsity baseball, softball games and practices during the spring. The proposed agreement allows for the joint use of the renovated field by all users. The W-L field hockey teams will have priority scheduled use on weekday afternoons from 3:00 to 6:30 PM for all home games and approximately twenty hours of practice. Marymount University will hold its soccer games and approximately twenty hours of practice during the evenings after 6:30 pm and on some weekends.

This upgrade of the Quincy #1 soccer field will move it from a C to D level field to an A or B level field, based on the athletic field standards. It is expected that youth groups will be the major users of this field; adult soccer groups, including Marymount University, will be the minor users.

In order to provide Washington-Lee High School field hockey with comparable practice time scheduled during the fall season, there will be greater accessibility to the outfield area of Quincy #3 softball field, particularly during the afternoon hours. In addition, proposed plans for improvements at other field locations have the potential for upgrading at least two large size soccer fields for youth and adults.

Portions of the proposed Quincy #1 soccer field improvements can be accomplished during the winter months while others will be scheduled for the summer of 1997. This work will temporarily displace some regularly scheduled activities at Quincy Park. Normal summer user groups of Quincy #1 and Quincy #2 ball fields have been informed that their games and practices may be relocated for this period. Staff has found other alternative sites for all baseball and softball user groups who have traditionally used Quincy #1 ballfield during the summer months.

During the spring of 1996, staff presented the proposed joint venture between the County and Marymount University to the following organizations: the Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association on February 28, March 27 and April 24; the Sports Commission on February 22, March 28 and April 25; the Parks and Recreation Commission on February 27, March 26, April 23 and members of the American Legion Post 139 leadership on February 20. In addition, PRCR staff provided information for the Ballston Virginia Square Civic Association newsletter in letters dated February 14, March 17, April 14 and 15 to their Civic Association President. All of these groups received a letter informing them that Arlington County, Arlington Public Schools, and Marymount University have agreed in concept regarding the improvement and use of the Quincy #1 soccer field.

The Sports Commission, by a majority vote with two abstentions, approved the concept of the joint venture between Arlington County and Marymount University following the staff presentation on February 22. The Parks and Recreation Commission, by a majority vote of nine to one, supported the Marymount University proposal for the use of Quincy Park soccer field with the condition that all current athletic users be permitted continued access at current levels at their April 23 meeting.

Arlington's field surface are heavily used by spring and fall soccer play by youth and adults. The Arlington Soccer Association as well as other user groups, have frequently expressed concerns about the quality of the playing surfaces and the limited availability of fields near or at regulation size. PRCR staff is currently involved in a field use study that identifies the number of hours of games and practices that are scheduled on each athletic field annually by all organized sports users, including interscholastic high school team practices. Staff will also be working with the Sports Commission and other sports affiliate organizations, including the Arlington Soccer Association, to develop recommendations for field used in order to maintain A or B quality status, based on updated athletic field standards used in the Condition of Athletic Fields Report submitted by the Sports Commission to the County Board in the late 1980s.


The following constitutes a Memorandum of Understanding between Arlington County (the "County"), Arlington Public Schools (the "Schools"), and Marymount University, (the "University"). The purpose of the memorandum is to set forth the various rights, services, and responsibilities to which the Parties have agreed for the joint use of the Quincy #1 Soccer Field.


If any party desires to change any part of this memorandum, representatives from all parties will meet and discuss any proposed changes. Any change(s) to this memorandum must be agreed in writing by all parties. This document is intended to set out the party's intentions with regard to operation of the Playfield.

A portion of the Playfield is controlled by the Arlington County School Board, and a portion is controlled by the County Board of Arlington County, as shown on the attached schematic drawing.

The current uses of the Playfield are as follows: from March 1 to August 15 - high school and recreation regulation baseball on Quincy #1 baseball field and high school softball and recreation baseball/softball on Quincy #2 softball field; from August 15 to November 15 - high school field hockey practices and youth and adult soccer on Quincy #1 soccer field. The fields are currently scheduled by the County's Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Resources.

The desired use of the Playfield will be as an NCAA regulation size soccer field from August 15 to November 15, to be used jointly by the Schools' field hockey teams, the University's Intercollegiate soccer teams and other County scheduled recreational users. From March 1 to August 10, the Quincy #1 portion of the Playfield area will be used by Schools' baseball teams and other County scheduled recreational baseball users; the Quincy #2 portion of the Playfield area will be used by Schools' softball teams and other County scheduled recreational baseball and softball users.

AGREEMENTS: In order to achieve the desired uses anticipated by the memorandum, the parties agree to the following:

Scheduling of these fields for the Washington-Lee Field Hockey teams (varsity and junior varsity) interscholastic games and the University's men's and women's intercollegiate soccer games will be done jointly among County, School, and University's staffs. All other users will be scheduled by the County.

For the scheduling period of August 15 through November 15, Schools and the University will submit their field hockey and soccer schedules for joint consideration six months before the start of their seasons. Staff liaisons from the Schools, the University and the County will meet the third week in March annually to establish the fall game schedules for both the Schools and the University at Quincy #1 soccer field. Representatives from all parties will attend a post season evaluation meeting to be held the first week in December annually to identify any operation and maintenance problems that occurred during the fall season.

From August 15 to November 15, the Schools will have priority scheduled use from 3:00 PM until 6:30 PM on weekdays for Washington-Lee High School interscholastic field hockey games. The University will have priority use after 6:30 PM weekdays and on the weekends between 9:00 AM and 11 PM for their intercollegiate men's and women's soccer games totalling approximately forty hours annually; the University may propose up to four afternoon games on weekdays beginning at 4:00 PM subject to field availability and Schools priority use. The County will schedule other recreational soccer games after 6:30 PM on weekdays and on weekends between 9:00 AM and 11:00 PM.

Washington-Lee High School interscholastic field hockey teams will have priority scheduling for practices from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM on weekdays on Quincy #3 field. Practices on Quincy #1 soccer field for the Washington Lee field hockey teams and Marymount University soccer teams will be limited to approximately twenty hours per party annually to insure the quality of the field, but appropriate for the teams to become accustomed to their "home field." The University shall have the opportunity to schedule up to ten practices on Quincy #1 soccer field during the afternoon hours at mutually acceptable times; games or rescheduled games will take priority over practices.

Cancellation of games and practices, as a result of inclement weather or other unforeseen occurrences, will me made jointly by representatives from the Schools and the County. When the University has scheduled league games that may require cancellation, a representative from the University will be invited to attend the on-site meeting between the County and the Schools. If consensus of all parties is not reached concerning whether games or practices should be held, they shall be canceled.

Rescheduling of canceled games will be a joint decision of the three parties. In the event a Washington-Lee varsity field hockey game is canceled and the next available date for a makeup game under VHSL rules conflicts with a scheduled soccer game by the University, the University will adjust the start time of its game.

RESPONSIBILITIES: I. The County, through the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Resources (DPRCR), shall:

A. Include the Schools and the University in review of plans affecting renovation of the Quincy #1 soccer field, on the improvements either performed or contracted by Arlington County at Quincy #1 soccer field. B. Make available on request to the University and the Schools an accounting of the costs for the improvement associated with Marymount's contribution to the Quincy #1 soccer field improvements. C. Appoint a staff liaison for implementation of the field improvement program and scheduling of the Quincy #1 soccer field. D. Inform the Schools and the University of any proposed changes in County policy or regulations affecting use of the Quincy #1 soccer field. E. Consider the Schools and the University's recommendations for facility development, repair, maintenance and reconstruction at Quincy #1 soccer field. F. Allocate game and practice fields during designated recreational programming time, during the days and hours they are available for use. G. Provide personnel to monitor the Quincy #1 soccer field on an as needed basis and be available for emergency situations. H. Meet regularly with the Schools and the University to discuss annual maintenance plan for repair of the Quincy #1 soccer field. I. Provide field preparation and insure the mowing contractors cut the turf at 2 1/2 inches for all scheduled games, weather permitting. J. Maintain the lights on Quincy #1 soccer field. K. Insure that trash is removed from trash receptacles at Quincy Park on an as needed daily basis from August 15 through November 15. L. At the conclusion of all scheduled games and practices, insure that teams place all trash resulting from team or spectator use in appropriate receptacles.

II. Arlington Public Schools shall: A. Appoint a School representative to act as a liaison with the County and University staffs. B. Use Quincy #1 soccer field from August 15 to November 15 specifically for high school field hockey games and minimal practice time of approximately twenty hours annually for the field hockey teams to become accustomed to their "home field." C. Submit their high school interscholastic field hockey schedule six months before the start of the season; practice requests should be submitted six months before the start of field hockey practice. D. Install, remove and secure field hockey goals before before and after practices and games. E. At the conclusion of all scheduled games and practices, insure that all trash resulting from team or spectator use is placed in appropriate receptacles.

III. Marymount University shall: A. Submit requests for soccer games six months before the start of the fall soccer season; practice requests should be submitted six months before the start of soccer practice. B. Appoint a University representative to act as a liaison with the County and School staffs. C. At the conclusion of all scheduled games and practices, insure that all trash resulting from team or spectator use is placed in appropriate receptacles. D. In return for use of Quincy #1 soccer field for twenty soccer games (estimated two hours per game) and approximately twenty hours of practice time for the teams to become accustomed to their "home field" at Quincy and other practice space at other field locations during the fall season, provide a one time contribution of $58,000 to offset a portion of the cost of the following improvements at the Quincy playfield area:

  1. Installation of a water line on the east side of the soccer field for water wheel irrigators;
  2. One water wheel irrigator;
  3. Regrading of the soccer field site;
  4. Topsoil and wide roll sod for the soccer field site;
  5. Installation of underdrains at the soccer field. Funds for the above specified projects will be paid by the University as follows: fifty percent before the work begins and the balance immediately following the completion of the project and prior to use of the field. The project will be completed and the field usable by August 15, 1997.
E. In addition the University shall provide funding of $5,500 annually for minor renovation costs at the Quincy Park soccer field if the parties agree to a continuation of the University's use. These minor renovation may include but not be limited to the following:
  1. Overseeding, topdressing and solid time aeration;
  2. Fertilizing and weed control;
  3. Sod replacement of the worn soccer goal areas; and
  4. Turf liner and paint for the soccer field.

F. The University shall provide certificates of insurance for public liability and general commercial liability in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the County and the Schools, their officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds for claims arising out of the University's use of the Quincy #1 soccer field and to which the insurance policy applies. This amount may be increased reasonably at the request of the County. The University also agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County and the Schools and their officers, agents, and employees from any claims and suits arising from or related to the University's use of the Quincy #1 soccer field except as it relates to intentional misconduct on the part of any School or County employee or officer. To the extent the University has agreed to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County and the Schools for the actions of their officers, agents, and employees, such indemnification, holding harmless, and defense shall not exceed $4,000,000.

G. Repair any damage to the fields caused by the University's use, normal wear and tear excepted.

It is further mutually agreed that the University is limited to one season of soccer annually commencing no earlier than August 15 and concluding no later than November 15. Exceptions to the above seasons and dates may be granted if mutually agreed upon by all parties.

This Memorandum of Understanding is signed this ______ day of ______________1996 and will remain if effect for a minimum of five years with annual reviews attended by the participating parties.

Anton S. Gardner, County Manager, Arlington County Government

Arthur W. Gosling, Superintendent, Arlington Public Schools

Sister Eymard Gallagher, R.S.H.M., President Marymount University

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