Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association Agenda for Wednesday, March 12, 1997 MEMBERSHIP MEETING

At 7:30 p.m., at the 2nd Floor Conference Rooms, of the Hilton Hotel, above the Ballston Metro Station. Parking Available on the Premises.

Check the Member Information Line (703) 528-1887, menu option 2, for Last Minute Updates or Changes.

  1. Member Comment Period. (Expected to be deferred to end of the meeting).
  2. Report of the Treasurer (Treasurer Ellis). (Expected to be deferred.).
  3. Report of the Secretary, if any (Secretary Ryan). (Expected to be deferred.).
  4. Reports of the Committees, if any: A. Site Plan Review Committee (Chairman Samaraweera) (if time permits.). B. Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC Representative, Iacomini) (if time permits.).
  5. Unfinished business, if any:
  6. New Business, if any:

A. Presentation by Timothy J. Chesnutt, Recreation Services Supervisor, on the County's Plans to Renovate the I-66 Parking Garage Park and the Playground at the 13th and North Vermont Park ; to be followed by questions and answers. (7:30 to 8:00 p.m.).

B. Brief Presentation on the Parking Plans for Phase I of the Construction Project at George Mason University, Arlington; to be followed by questions and answers. (8:00 to 8:15 p.m.).

C. Presentation by the Representatives of the Citizens' Crime Prevention Council and the Arlington Professional Firefighters Association on Public Safety in Arlington; to be followed by questions and answers. (8:15 to 9:00 p.m.).

D. Presentation by Betty Hobbs, Principal and Aileen Whitfill, PTA Co-President, on the placement of a modular unit at the Arlington Science Focus School and presentation by a representative of the Arlington Montessori House on the school expansion; to be followed by questions and answers. (9:00 to 9:30 p.m.).

E. Presentation by Representatives for the Madison Homes, Inc., of McLean, Virginia, on a 13-unit townhouse project, known as "Ballston Station," at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of North Washingon Boulevard and North Nelson Street; to be followed by questions and answers. (9:30 to 10:00 p.m.).

Adjournment (no later than 10:00 p.m.).

The March/April 1997 Newsletter-Index

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